WeatherFly has been realized in the scope of the Distributed architecture course for my Software engineering degree at IMT Atlantique. With team of five classmates, the goal was to simulate pressure, temperature and wind datas from fake sensors and being able to retrieve them thanks to an API, so they can be displayed with a Front-End application.
Go - Vue.js - MQTT - MongoDB - Adobe Xd - Github
First, I participated in the architectural choices. The chosen architecture was to send
sensor data to a specific MQTT Broker topic. A Go program was listening
to this topic, and when data was published, the program was inserting data in a MongoDB
database. Then a Go API was here to retrieve data from the NoSQL database.
Data was being displayed through a Vue.js dashboard.
During this project, I was in charge of designing and developing the Front-End part of the
project. I also punctuality helped my teammates for the Back-End part.