
SmartSlides screenshots

About the project —


    SmartSlides is an Android application that simplifies your presentations. It allows you to view your notes and move from one slide to another without having to touch your computer.


Java - Android SDK - JavaFX - SQLite - Github

Work achieved —

    Talking, going to press the arrow on your computer, talking again, pressing the arrow on your computer again, looking at your sheet with the notes, crumpling it up, realizing that you've talked too long,...

    I wanted to develop a solution to these problems by centralizing everything on a single mobile application. It was also an opportunity for me to improve my knowledge of Java and discover the world of Android development. I was therefore able to learn the basics of Android, tackle the MVP architecture (Model View Presenter), the creation of interfaces with XML, etc.
    In addition to the mobile application, I developed a PC application allowing the PC and the phone to communicate to pass the slides. This allowed me to discover JavaFX, a Java library allowing to make interfaces, and the Sockets programming in order to make the computer communicate with the phone.

Smartslides image Smartslides image